Task Schedule








sudo pacman -S task
# task [<filter>] [<command>] [<modifications>|<miscellaneous>]

# 列出接下來要處理的 task
$ task
[task next]
No matches.

# 加入新 task
$ task add pay my bill
Created task 1.

# 列出接下來要處理的 task
$ task
[task next]

ID Age Description Urg
 1 1s  pay my bill    0

1 task

# 加入新 task
$ task add priority:H due:2018-10-15 buy a cake
Created task 2.

# 列出接下來要處理的 task
$ task
[task next]

ID Age  P Due Description Urg
 2 11s  H 8h  buy a cake  14.6
 1 1min       pay my bill    0

2 tasks

# 列出優先度高的 task
$ task priority:H
[task next ( priority:H )]

ID Age  P Due Description Urg
 2 1min H 8h  buy a cake  14.6

1 task

# 列出明天以前要完成的 task
$ task due:tomorrow
[task next ( due:tomorrow )]

ID Age  P Due Description Urg
 2 2min H 8h  buy a cake  14.6

1 task

# 搜尋關鍵字
$ task /buy/
[task next ( /buy/ )]

ID Age  P Due Description Urg
 2 4min H 8h  buy a cake  14.6

1 task

# 搜尋關鍵字,較長的訊息
$ task /buy/ long

ID Created    Mod  P Due        Description
 2 2018-10-14 4min H 2018-10-15 buy a cake

1 task

# 搜尋關鍵字,支援 regex
$ task "/(buy)|(pay)/"
[task next ( /(buy)|(pay)/ )]

ID Age  P Due Description Urg
 2 7min H 8h  buy a cake  14.6
 1 8min       pay my bill    0

2 tasks

# 列出 task
$ task list
ID Age   P Due        Description     Urg
 2 13min H 2018-10-15 buy a cake      14.6
 1 15min              pay my bill        0

2 tasks

# 完成 task
$ task 2 done
Completed task 2 'buy a cake'.
Completed 1 task.

# 列出接下來要處理的 task
$ task
[task next]

ID Age   Description Urg
 1 16min pay my bill    0

1 task

# 概覽
$ task summary

Project Remaining Avg age Complete 0%                        100%
(none)          1   15min      50%

1 projects

# 新增標註
$ task 1 annotate bill is on the table
Annotating task 1 'pay my bill'.
Annotated 1 task.

$ task
[task next]

ID Age   Description                       Urg
 1 21min pay my bill                        0.8
           2018-10-14 bill is on the table

1 task

# 刪除標註
$ task 1 denotate bill is on the table
Found annotation 'bill is on the table' and deleted it.
Denotated 1 task.

$ task
[task next]

ID Age   Description Urg
 1 23min pay my bill    0

1 task

# 更改 task
$ task 1 modify due:2018-10-16
Modifying task 1 'pay my bill'.
Modified 1 task.

$ task
[task next]

ID Age   Due Description Urg
 1 24min 1d  pay my bill 8.19

1 task

# 刪除 task
$ task add test task
Created task 2.
$ task 2 delete
Delete task 2 'test task'? (yes/no) y
Deleting task 2 'test task'.
Deleted 1 task.

# context
$ task context define today due:today
Are you sure you want to add 'context.today' with a value of 'due:today'? (yes/no) y
Context 'today' defined. Use 'task context today' to activate.
$ task context today
Context 'today' set. Use 'task context none' to remove.
$ task
No matches.
$ task add today task due:today
Created task 2.
$ task

ID Age Due  Description Urg
 2 1s  -15h today task   9.1

1 task
$ task context none
Context unset.
$ task
[task next]

ID Age   Due  Description Urg
 2 59s   -15h today task   9.1
 1 28min 1d   pay my bill 8.19

2 tasks

# context,用更多條件 filter
$ task context define work project:mycompany
$ task add project:mycompany hire a programmer
$ task context work

# 紀錄 task 處理時間
$ task 2 start
$ task 2 stop

# 圖表
$ task burndown
$ task burndown.daily
$ task burndown.monthly

# export 成 JSON
$ task export

# task 需要另一個 task

# 日曆
$ task calendar

# 一次為 routine 事項建立 tasks
$ task add Go to work due:monday recur:weekly

結合 Timewarrior:

$ sudo pacman -S timew
$ cp /usr/share/doc/timew/ext/on-modify.timewarrior ~/.task/hooks/
$ chmod +x ~/.task/hooks/on-modify.timewarrior
$ task diagnostics

# timew 會追蹤每個 task 每次花費的時間並加總
$ task <id> start
$ task <id> stop


