型別轉換 (Type Conversion)
C++ 內有許多種型別轉換的方式:
implicit conversions
csont_cast 不會產生任何一個 CPU 指令, const_cast 只是把型別的 const 移除掉, 如果操作在原本定義時是 const 的變數會是 Undefined Behavior, 但是操作在定義時不是 const 的變數則沒問題。
#include <iostream>
void f1(const int& x) {
const_cast<int&>(x) = 42;
void f2(const int* x) {
*const_cast<int*>(x) = 43;
int main() {
int foo = 0;
const int bar = 0;
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
std::cout << bar << std::endl;
f1(foo); // OK
f1(bar); // Undefined Behavior
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
std::cout << bar << std::endl;
f2(&foo); // OK
f2(&bar); // Undefined Behavior
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
std::cout << bar << std::endl;
真正使用到的情況可能是需要用到的 Library 沒有把 const 相關的部份寫好(not const-correct), 所以需要自己填補這部份, 此時可能還會附上註解說明 Library 的問題, 並看看之後是要改好用到的 Library 或是尋找替到方案。
沒有執行期間的檢查, 編譯期間就會檢查是否能轉換型別。
靜態 downcast(base class 轉成 derived class)
lvalue 轉 xvalue
把 implicit 轉換轉回去
靜態 upcast(derived class 轉成 base class)
enum 和數值間轉換
enum 和 enum 間轉換
靜態 member 指標 upcast
void* 轉成其他各種型別
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
struct Base {
int m = 0;
void hello() const {
std::cout << "Hello world, this is Base!" << std::endl;
struct Derived : Base {
void hello() const {
std::cout << "Hello world, this is Derived!" << std::endl;
enum class E { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE };
enum EU { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE };
int main()
// 1: initializing conversion
int n = static_cast<int>(3.14);
std::cout << "n = " << n << std::endl; // 3
std::vector<int> v = static_cast<std::vector<int>>(10);
std::cout << "v.size() = " << v.size() << std::endl; // 10
// 2: static downcast
Derived d;
Base& br = d; // upcast via implicit conversion
br.hello(); // Base
Derived& another_d = static_cast<Derived&>(br); // downcast
another_d.hello(); // Derived
// 3: lvalue to xvalue
std::vector<int> v2 = static_cast<std::vector<int>&&>(v);
std::cout << "after move, v.size() = " << v.size() << std::endl; // 0
// 4: discarded-value expression
// 5. inverse of implicit conversion
void* nv = &n;
int* ni = static_cast<int*>(nv);
std::cout << "*ni = " << *ni << std::endl;
// 6. array-to-pointer followed by upcast
Derived a[10];
Base* dp = static_cast<Base*>(a);
// 7. scoped enum to int or float
E e = E::ONE;
int one = static_cast<int>(e);
std::cout << one << std::endl;
// 8. int to enum, enum to another enum
E e2 = static_cast<E>(one);
EU eu = static_cast<EU>(e2);
// 9. pointer to member upcast
int Derived::*pm = &Derived::m;
std::cout << br.*static_cast<int Base::*>(pm) << std::endl;
// 10. void* to any type
void* voidp = &e;
std::vector<int>* p = static_cast<std::vector<int>*>(voidp);
dynamic_cast 能轉換成的型別只有 class 的 Reference 或 Pointer。 dynamic_cast 會進行動態的轉換和檢查, 如果想轉換成的型別是 Pointer,轉換失敗時會回傳 nullptr, 如果想轉換成的型別是 Reference,轉換失敗時會噴 Exception。
藉由 dynamic_cast 可以在有關連性的 class 間轉換,
只要一開始資料建立時的型別是要轉換到的 class 的子 class 即可,
(而且要搭配 RTTI 一起使用,不能在編譯時使用 -fno-rtti
但是沒有使用到 Polymorphic Object 的狀況就不需要 RTTI )
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct V {
virtual void f() {}; // must be polymorphic to use runtime-checked dynamic_cast
struct A : virtual V {};
struct B : virtual V {
B(V* v, A* a) {
// casts during construction (see the call in the constructor of D below)
dynamic_cast<B*>(v); // well-defined: v of type V*, V base of B, results in B*
dynamic_cast<B*>(a); // undefined behavior: a has type A*, A not a base of B
struct D : A, B {
D() : B((A*)this, this) { }
struct Base {
virtual ~Base() {}
struct Derived: Base {
virtual void name() {}
int main()
D d; // the most derived object
A& a = d; // upcast, dynamic_cast may be used, but unnecessary
auto new_d = dynamic_cast<D&>(a); // downcast
auto new_b = dynamic_cast<B&>(a); // sidecast
auto b1 = std::make_unique<Base>();
if (auto d = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(b1.get())) {
// Base* -> Derived*
// Fail
std::cout << "downcast from b1 to d successful\n";
d->name(); // safe to call
auto foo = std::make_unique<Derived>();
Base* b2 = foo.get();
if (auto d = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(b2)) {
// Derived* -> Base* -> Derived*
// Pass
std::cout << "downcast from b2 to d successful\n";
d->name(); // safe to call
reinterpret_cast 不會產生任何一個 CPU 指令, 只是用來告訴編譯器要把一串 bits 視為另一個型別。
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
int f() { return 42; }
int main() {
int i = 7;
// pointer to integer and back
auto v1 = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&i); // static_cast is an error
std::cout << "The value of &i is 0x" << std::hex << v1 << '\n';
auto p1 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(v1);
assert(p1 == &i);
// pointer to function to another and back
auto fp1 = reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(f);
// fp1(); undefined behavior
auto fp2 = reinterpret_cast<int(*)()>(fp1);
std::cout << std::dec << fp2() << '\n'; // safe
// type aliasing through pointer
auto p2 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i);
if (p2[0] == '\x7')
std::cout << "This system is little-endian\n";
std::cout << "This system is big-endian\n";
// type aliasing through reference
reinterpret_cast<unsigned int&>(i) = 42;
std::cout << i << '\n';
const int &const_iref = i;
//int &iref = reinterpret_cast<int&>(const_iref); // compiler error - can't get rid of const
// Must use const_cast instead: int &iref = const_cast<int&>(const_iref);
Polymorphic Objects
class 內至少包含一個 virtual 函式(包含繼承下來的)就稱為 Polymorphic Objects。 每個 Polymorphic Objects 都會存有額外的資訊(通常會多一個指標), 這些資訊會在呼叫 virutal 函式或 RTTI features(dynamic_cast、typeid)時用上, 用來在執行期間判斷物件被建立時的型別, 而不是 expression 使用時的型別。
對於 Non-Polymorphic Objects, 對於型別的解釋會在編譯時期被決定, 利用 expression 使用時的型別來判斷。
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
struct Base1 {
// polymorphic type: declares a virtual member
virtual ~Base1() {}
struct Derived1: Base1 {
// polymorphic type: inherits a virtual member
struct Base2 {
// non-polymorphic type
struct Derived2 : Base2 {
// non-polymorphic type
int main() {
Derived1 obj1; // object1 created with type Derived1
Derived2 obj2; // object2 created with type Derived2
Base1& b1 = obj1; // b1 refers to the object obj1
Base2& b2 = obj2; // b2 refers to the object obj2
std::cout << "Expression type of b1: " << typeid(decltype(b1)).name() << '\n' // Base1
<< "Expression type of b2: " << typeid(decltype(b2)).name() << '\n' // Base2
<< "Object type of b1: " << typeid(b1).name() << '\n' // Derived1
<< "Object type of b2: " << typeid(b2).name() << '\n' // Base2
<< "size of b1: " << sizeof b1 << '\n' // 8
<< "size of b2: " << sizeof b2 << std::endl; // 1
- const_cast
控制 cv-qualification,其他轉換都不能移除 const 或 volatile
不會產生額外 CPU instruction
- static_cast
進行 implicit 轉換、反向 implicit 轉換、安全的 Derived 轉 Base、可能不安全的 Base 轉 Derived
可能會產生額外 CPU instruction
- reinterpret_cast
不會產生額外 CPU instruction
- dynamic_cast
在 class 架構內到處轉換,並且會動態檢查轉換是否可行
會產生額外 CPU instruction