Meta Algorithm
Metaheuristic 爲高階的法則或啓發式演算法(經驗法則), 在有限的資訊、運算能力、資源下, 對最佳化問題(Optimization Problem)尋找足夠好的啓發式演算法。
並不保證 globally optimal
許多 Metaheuristic 帶有隨機最佳化(Stochastic Optimization)
Metaheuristics are strategies that guide the search process.
The goal is to efficiently explore the search space in order to find near–optimal solutions.
Techniques which constitute metaheuristic algorithms range from simple local search procedures to complex learning processes.
Metaheuristic algorithms are approximate and usually non-deterministic.
Metaheuristics are not problem-specific.
- Local search vs. global search
基本版的爬山演算法(hill climbing)屬於 local search
- 把 local search 擴增到 global search
simulated annealing
tabu search
iterated local search
variable neighborhood search
GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure)
- 單純 global serach(非基於 local search 衍生),通常是 population-based
ant colony optimization
evolutionary computation
particle swarm optimization
genetic algorithm
rider optimization algorithm
- Single-solution vs. population-based
- 單一解決方案:專注在一種候選解決方案
simulated annealing
iterated local search
variable neighborhood search
guided local search
- 多重解決方案:有多個候選解決方案在調整
evolutionary computation
genetic algorithms
particle swarm optimization
- Swarm intelligence (collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized agents in a population or swarm)
Ant colony optimization
particle swarm optimization
social cognitive optimization
- Hybridization and memetic algorithms
- hybrid metaheuristic:並行使用 metaheuristic 和其他最佳化演算法,兩者間可以同時進行並互相交換資訊來引導搜尋
可搭配 mathematical programming, constraint programming, machine learning
- memetic algorithm:傳統基因演算法的擴增
例如使用 local search 取代原本的變動運算,藉此減少過早收斂的機會
- Parallel metaheuristics
同時跑多種 metaheuristic,甚至可能是分散式到許多機器嘗試多種方案
- Nature-inspired and metaphor-based metaheuristics
simulated annealing
evolutionary algorithms
ant colony optimization
particle swarm optimization
Metaheuristic Optimization Frameworks (MOFs),蒐集許多演算法實作供快速取用: