explicit specifier


TL;DR: explicit 是控制顯性或隱性轉換

標上 explicit 就表示不接受隱式轉換或 copy-initialization, 可以套用在兩個地方:

  • constructor

  • conversion function

convertion function 指的是沒有明確的回傳型別的 member function, 而標上 explicit 後就必須使用顯示轉換, 例如:

struct X {
    //implicit conversion
    operator int() const { return 7; }

    // explicit conversion
    explicit operator int*() const { return nullptr; }

int main() {
    X x;
    int n = static_cast<int>(x);    // OK: sets n to 7
    int m = x;                      // OK: sets m to 7
    int* p = static_cast<int*>(x);  // OK: sets p to nullptr
//  int* q = x;                     // Error: no implicit conversion
    int (*pa)[3] = x;               // OK

標上 explicit 的 constructor 則必須使用 direct-initialization, 不能用 copy-initialization, 相對的沒有標 explicit 的 constructor 又被稱為 converting constructor,


class A {
    A(int) { }      // converting constructor
    A(int, int) { } // converting constructor (C++11)
    operator bool() const { return true; }

class B {
    explicit B(int) { }
    explicit B(int, int) { }
    explicit operator bool() const { return true; }

int main() {
    A a1 = 1;       // OK: copy-initialization selects A::A(int)
    A a2(2);        // OK: direct-initialization selects A::A(int)
    A a3 {4, 5};    // OK: direct-list-initialization selects A::A(int, int)
    A a4 = {4, 5};  // OK: copy-list-initialization selects A::A(int, int)
    A a5 = (A)1;    // OK: explicit cast performs static_cast
    if (a1) {}      // OK: A::operator bool()
    bool na1 = a1;  // OK: copy-initialization selects A::operator bool()
    bool na2 = static_cast<bool>(a1);   // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization

//  B b1 = 1;       // error: copy-initialization does not consider B::B(int)
    B b2(2);        // OK: direct-initialization selects B::B(int)
    B b3 {4, 5};    // OK: direct-list-initialization selects B::B(int, int)
//  B b4 = {4, 5};  // error: copy-list-initialization does not consider B::B(int,int)
    B b5 = (B)1;    // OK: explicit cast performs static_cast
    if (b2) {}      // OK: B::operator bool()
//  bool nb1 = b2;  // error: copy-initialization does not consider B::operator bool()
    bool nb2 = static_cast<bool>(b2);   // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization
